Silver Award
General Contractor

Projects of Distinction


Andersen Water Ski Lake


Earth, Inc.


Friendship, WI


Brian Andersen


Earth, Inc.

About the Project

The Andersen Water Ski Lake is an artificial, 14-acre lake created by two cuts of excavation. The contract was completed under winter conditions with extensive dewatering required due to a high water table. With a start date of February 6, 2023, this project was completed ahead of the May 1st completion date far in advance of water ski season. The crew of eight people excavated and stockpiled over 325,000 CY of material to create the lake and then seeded and installed erosion mat on the 23-acre shoreline surrounding the lake. This included a change in planned slope of 4:1 to 10:1 for better shoreline management, moving over 120 trees, and the addition of a 4-acre deer plot.

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