Ten Social Media Tips You Should Be Utilizing Today

group of employees at meeting
Josh Klemons presents an ABC Webinar recently.

Josh Klemons of Reverbal Communications provided ABC members with ten tips that our organizations should be using in social media today during a recent educational session. Josh helps brands figure out how to navigate social media.

Here is a quick recap of that presentation from Josh:

1.     Optimize your accounts. Don’t be doing more than you can manage. If you’re struggling to manage one account, don’t open a second one.  Make sure your URL is not a series of letters and numbers, but instead, has your company name. Your avatar should be simple and recognizable and change it rarely. Change your cover photos as often as you like. Send them to your web page with any call to action. Fill out your “about” section to the best of your ability.

2.     Tag and recognize partners on social media.  If you’re going to talk to or about people on social, make sure they know you are mentioning them. Use the “@” on Facebook. Use “@” and their handle on Twitter and Instagram.

3.     Cross-post; don’t auto-post.  Cross-post is taking one piece of content and you apply it to numerous, different platforms at the same time. Don’t worry that people could see it in both places because it will not likely happen. Auto-post is when you post something on a site and it automatically posts to other sites. These are often only written for one platform and often ends up as garbage on other sites. Platforms like Hootsuite can be okay if you optimize for each account.

4.     Use Facebook Live.  Facebook is obsessed with Facebook Live so when you use it, Facebook will reward you genuinely with traffic. People watch videos three times longer when they are live. This is true across all demographics. When going live, give specifics on what you’re sharing. Keep it professional. Answer frequently-asked questions on Facebook live. No sales pitches; educate customers. Give audience advanced notice.

5.     Use stories.  Stories is Instagram’s response to SnapChat. Stories have picked up significantly. It’s content that disappears after 24 hours, which means there is a lot less pressure to post something perfect. You can feel free to go deeper with many more photos, such as project photos. Users have to click on your profile to see it.  They are the future of Facebook.

6.     Use Facebook Groups.  Groups are individuals who connect on a common bond or interest, such as clients and customers. These are the future of Facebook, according to Mark Zuckerberg.  People are using them. Sharing content to groups that followers of groups will see. It’s great for networking.

7.     Engage. Engage. Engage.  Social media is about people. Can’t be a one-way street. Respond to questions and comments as quickly as possible.  You aren’t just responding to one. These conversations are happening out in the public for many to see.

8.     Blog.  Blog professionally. Give them something worthwhile. It’s great for search engine optimization (SEO). It positions you as an expert in your field. They serve as a great bridge between your social media and your website. Blog posts do not have to be lengthy.

9.     Understand your analytics and learn from them.  Why do particular posts do well? Find out. Facebook analytics are valuable. Know your audience. You can learn reach versus engaged and when visitors are online so you know when to schedule posts.

10.  Remember that if it didn’t happen on social media, it didn’t happen.  It’s a great mindset to use. You want to talk about all the exciting things you are doing and even the little stories. Until you post, it isn’t happening. There are tons of internal things to post.

Josh will present two sessions and a workshop at SuperCon19 on February 13. Learn more about those sessions here.

An audio recording of the entire session is available on our Members Only section.

By Don Moen

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