Wisconsin Construction Unemployment At 2.8% In June

WASHINGTON, D.C.—Wisconsin’s construction unemployment rate was at 2.8% in June, according to an analysis of U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) data released by Associated Builders and Contractors (ABC).

The estimated not seasonally adjusted construction unemployment rate in the state was up from the record low 1.3% in May, but down 0.4% from May of 2018 and still significantly lower than the 3.5% overall unemployment rate for the state.  The 2.8% rate is tied for 11th best among the states.

For the second month in a row, all 50 states posted construction unemployment rates of less than 10%.

The construction industry employed 200,000 more workers nationally compared to June 2018, dropping the June 2019 national NSA construction unemployment rate 0.7%, from 4.7% to 4%, according to BLS numbers.

“While severe weather, particularly in the Midwest and parts of the East, disrupted construction activity to some extent, the June construction employment numbers remained strong,” said Bernard M. Markstein, Ph.D., president and chief economist of Markstein Advisors, who conducted the analysis for ABC. “Construction employment opportunities continue to grow for job seekers, with skilled workers particularly in high demand. June seasonally adjusted average hourly earnings in construction increased by 3.2% on a year-over-year basis. At $30.73, average hourly earnings for construction are 10% higher than average hourly earnings for all private-sector employees.”

Because these industry-specific rates are not seasonally adjusted, national and state-level unemployment rates are best evaluated on a year-over-year basis. The monthly movement of rates still provides some information, although extra care must be used when drawing conclusions from these variations.

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